One survey found only 66% of patients with a documented diagnosis of VVC received a guideline-recommended workup.
August 2021 Vol. 9 No. 4
Covid-19 Update Post-Covid Conditions: Implications for Primary Care Providers
Many post-Covid symptoms can be managed in the primary care setting and often improve without medical intervention during the first few months after initial infection.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
IBS is a very important healthcare concern given its high prevalence, the effects it has on health-related quality of life.
Position Statement: Climate Change, Women’s Health, and Environmental Justice
Climate change represents an urgent health challenge that requires engagement, advocacy, and leadership from the nursing profession.
Streamlining a Carrier Screening Routine Into Practice: Proactive Prepregnancy Planning
Prepregnancy carrier screening enables individuals and couples to learn about their reproductive risk and consider the most complete range of reproductive options versus waiting until pregnancy when choices become more limited.
Vital Vaccines For Older Women
Lack of vaccine recommendations by healthcare providers has been linked to low vaccine utilization by patients.
We Are the Solution to Our Problem: A Brief Review of the History of Racism and Nursing
Racism in nursing has existed since the profession’s historic beginnings, and it continues to permeate nursing education, practice, research, and policy.