The high rates of mortality from the Covid-19 pandemic are now creating even more widows and the mortality risk for widows almost doubles in the first 3 months following widowhood.
June 2021 Vol. 9 No. 3
CDC recommendations for providing quality STD clinical services
Many STD infections are asymptomatic, so access to screening is essential.
COVID-19 update: Navigating biases against Asian Americans during Covid-19
Asian American healthcare providers disproportionately experience racial discrimination in the context of this pandemic.
Navigating challenges for preceptors: Results from the WHNP Workforce Survey
As advanced practice nursing programs proliferate and medical students and physician assistant students also seek clinical experiences, competition for preceptors at appropriate clinical sites has intensified.
Osteoporosis and fracture prevention
Even when patients are diagnosed with increased fracture risk, many choose not to take medication because of concerns about rare risks that are often sensationalized in the media.
Professional development: The DNP and PhD as a WHNP
There has been a progressive decline in the number of PhD students since the implementation of the DNP.
Role of the WHNP in providing care for the patient with recurrent pregnancy loss
RPL can be an intimidating entity for healthcare providers to evaluate and treat due to varying guidelines and pressure from patients to prevent future losses.
Trauma-informed care Part 1: The road to its operationalization
Trauma-informed clinical strategies can prevent re-traumatization of individuals who have experienced trauma.