Study reveals link between hysterectomy and elevated health risksA study by the Mayo clinic has discovered a connection between hysterectomy and elevated risks of cardiovascular diseases and metabolic conditions.…
Guide provides overview of key sleep challenges women faceThe Society for Women’s Health Research (SWHR®) Interdisciplinary Network on Sleep has developed a guide providing an evidence-based overview of key…
New evidence-based guideline for accurate HPV testing in head and neck cancersThe College of American Pathologists has released its newest evidence-based practice guideline, “Human Papillomavirus Testing in Head and Neck Carcinomas,”…
Early antiretroviral therapy could lower risk of HPV contraction and cervical cancerA study by British and Spanish researchers revealed that early uptake of antiretroviral therapy for women with HIV was associated with lower rates…
Educational tool lowers decline in cervical length screeningResearchers devised an educational tool after a brief survey that identified the reasons why patients were likely to accept or…