Cannabis Use Linked to More Adverse Outcomes in PregnancyAdverse outcomes in pregnancy occurred more often if the fetus was exposed to cannabis in the early stages of pregnancy,…
Seniors With Anxiety Frequently Don’t Get Help. Here’s Why.Anxiety is the most common psychological disorder affecting adults in the U.S. In older people, it’s associated with considerable distress…
Test Your Knowledge: New FDA Guidance on Mammography and How it Impacts YouAre you aware that, on March 9, the FDA updated its mammography regulations requiring mammography facilities to notify patients about…
Maternal Mortality Rates Continued to Rise in 2021More than 1,200 women died of maternal causes in 2021, nearly doubling since 2018, according to statistics released by the…
Body dysmorphic disorder is more common than eating disorders yet few are aware of its dangersWhile eating disorders have been widely publicized for decades, far less attention has been given to a related condition called…