Mounting research points to health harms from cannabis, THC and CBD use during pregnancyCannabis is a widely used psychoactive drug worldwide, and its popularity is growing: The U.S. market for recreational cannabis sales…
Impact of negative messages about women and their bodiesWorking in gynecology as a women’s health nurse practitioner, it is commonplace for me to hear my patients make self-disparaging…
Women and alcohol: Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment Alcohol use in the general adult population has significantly increased in recent years, and adult women are at higher…
The honored space of nurse practitioners in adoptionThis article focuses on the importance of nurse practitioners providing informed, unbiased, and nonstigmatizing prenatal and postpartum care for individuals…
State-based policies on alcohol use during pregnancyAlcohol use is common in the United States. In 2020, 54.2% of adults age 18 and older reported drinking in…