Factors associated with HPV vaccination before first sexual intercourse among female college studentsThe first aim of this study was to identify characteristic differences between college women who completed the 3-dose human papillomavirus…
Caring for women on adjuvant therapy for breast cancer: Role of the NP in the primary care settingFaculty: Rachel Gorham, MSN, WHNP-BC, AGN-BC, holds board certification as a women’s health nurse practitioner and in advanced genetics nursing.…
Abnormal uterine bleeding in reproductive-aged women utilizing the PALM-COEIN systemIn this article, the author discusses how the PALM-COEIN classification system helps clinicians group various causes of abnormal uterine bleeding…
Marijuana Use during Pregnancy and LactationThe National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women’s Health (NPWH) advocates for a nonjudgmental and evidence-based approach to screening and…
New interactive tool from the Women’s Preventive Services InitiativeDid you know that the Women’s Preventive Services Initiative (WPSI) has a mobile-friendly interactive Well-Woman Chart? (more…)