The assumption that older people aren’t resilient and can’t recover from illness is implicitly ageist.
Menstrual Cycle Length Near Menopause Could Predict Heart Risk
Changes in the length of a woman’s menstrual cycle in the years just prior to menopause can offer clues to their risk of developing heart disease.
Urinary Incontinence Often Goes Undiagnosed
Urinary incontinence (UI) is so uncomfortable for some women to talk about that only 40 percent seek treatment, some waiting years before discussing it with a primary care provide.r
Texas Providers See Increased Interest in Birth Control Since Near-Total Abortion Ban
Medical staffs are doubling down on educating patients about birth control since Texas’ near-total abortion ban took effect.
Women’s Health Policy Focus of Nov. 16 Online Briefing
Abortion, Title X, maternal health and paid leave will be the focus of a briefing to be held Nov. 16 by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF).