Even today, some physicians discount conditions like POTS and CFS, both much more common in women than men. With no biomarkers, these syndromes are sometimes considered psychological.
Resources & Education
Osteoporosis and fracture prevention
Even when patients are diagnosed with increased fracture risk, many choose not to take medication because of concerns about rare risks that are often sensationalized in the media.
Navigating challenges for preceptors: Results from the WHNP Workforce Survey
As advanced practice nursing programs proliferate and medical students and physician assistant students also seek clinical experiences, competition for preceptors at appropriate clinical sites has intensified.
Professional development: The DNP and PhD as a WHNP
There has been a progressive decline in the number of PhD students since the implementation of the DNP.
The Hard Realities of a ‘No Jab, No Job’ Mandate for Health Care Workers
Nurse practitioners were the least hesitant to get vaccinated. Home health care aides, EMTs and nursing assistants showed the highest hesitancy among front-line health workers.