Current JournalEditor in Chief's Message

Editor-in-chief’s message | February 2021

Author(s): Beth Kelsey, EdD, APRN, WHNP-BC, FAANP

Dear Colleagues, 

I hope the start of 2021 is holding promise for everyone as a healthy, safe, and productive year to come. We are planning to continue to provide you with a broad selection of outstanding articles in six issues of the journal this year. 

I also want to recognize the many individuals on our Women’s Healthcare team who helped us deliver six excellent issues in 2020. We have reason to celebrate what we have accomplished. This team includes editors, authors, peer reviewers, editorial advisory board members, journal publisher and publishing staff, and NPWH CEO Heather Maurer. 

I’ll start by thanking all the authors of articles published in 2020. They brought us high-quality, interesting, and helpful information we can use in clinical practice. The wide variety of content provided something for every reader. 

Further, as special recognition, we invited our readers to choose their favorite article from each of our 2020 journal issues. Congratulations to these winners:

February 2020: How nurse practitioners can affect women’s health in rural America, by Lisa S. Pair, Ashley L. Hodges, and Aimee C. Holland

April 2020: Managing postmenopausal dyspareunia: An update, by Susan Hoffstetter

June 2020: Update on pharmacologic treatment for endometriosis-related pelvic pain, by Caitlin Henderson and Jennifer Hofmann

August 2020: Trauma-informed care for the primary care provider, by Heather C. Quaile

October 2020: Overview of the diagnosis and management of uterine fibroids, by Heidi Collins Fantasia and Allyssa L. Harris

December 2020 (tie): Placing the spotlight on maternal morbidity and mortality among Black women in New York, by Rewa Thompson; and Assessment and management of benign breast lesions: Role of the WHNP, by Stefani E. Yudasz

I also extend a special thank you to all those who peer reviewed manuscripts for us in 2020. They are: 

Barb Dehn

Diana Drake

Rebecca Fay

Fallon Flowers

Mary R. Franklin

Sarah Freeman

Julia Gayle

Rachel Gorham-Fidino

Hanne S. Harbison

Jennifer Hawn

Ella Heitzler

Genevieve Hofmann

Amy Levi

Randi Masciola

Leigh Minchew

Anne Moore

Ginny Moore

Shawana S. Moore

Barbara Persons

Terri Platt

Kristen Ransone

Susan Rawlins

Suzanne Reiter

Bethany Tidwell

Kathryn Trotter

Jordan Vaughan

Donna Williams


We rely on these reviewers’ expertise and thoughtful feedback to ensure the articles we publish are the very best. 

Our editorial advisory board (EAB) members provide guidance on potential topics for the journal by reviewing feedback from readers on what they want and by keeping abreast of contemporary issues in the women’s health arena. Our EAB members also contribute by peer reviewing manuscripts, submitting manuscripts of their own, and encouraging colleagues to submit manuscripts on relevant topics. I want to recognize and thank Helen A. Carcio, Caroline M. Hewitt, Amy Levi, Susan Rawlins, and Mary Rubin for their important contributions as they complete their terms on the EAB. At the same time, I am pleased to welcome Angela Alston, Ginny Moore, Paul Quinn, Ludrena Rodriguez, and Kendra Roloff as new EAB members. To learn more about our new EAB members, please visit here.

The HealthCom Media publishing team is outstanding. They bring together diverse talents that keep us moving forward and looking our best. Their commitment to publishing a journal and creating a social media presence we can all be proud of is evident in all they do.  

Beyond the journal itself, I want to thank the individuals who participated on writing groups for NPWH position statements created and approved by the NPWH board of directors in 2020. The writing group members bring expertise and dedication to a process that takes time, discussion, and willingness to interact in a meaningful way to create position statements that reflect the NPWH mission and values. In 2020, the NPWH board of directors approved three new position statements and three updated ones, including:

Marijuana Use during Pregnancy and Lactation
– Sue Kendig, Angela Morehead, Susan Rawlins,
Diane Schadewald

Prepregnancy Genetic Carrier Screening
– Rachel Gorham-Fidino, Jennifer Hawn, Susan Rawlins, Edith Smith, Andrea Stevens

Structural Racism and Implicit Bias in Women’s Healthcare
– Angela Alston, Diana Drake, Allyssa Harris, Shawana Moore, Heather Quaile, Ana Sanchez-Birkhead, Rewa Thompson

The Doctor of Nursing Practice for Women’s Health Nurse Practitioners (updated)
– Diana Drake, Aimee Holland, Randee Masciola, Sandi Tenfelde

Prevention and Management of Opioid Misuse and
Opioid Use Disorder (updated)
– Jennifer Hawn, Heather Quaile, Laurie Tompkins, Jacki Witt

Cervical Cancer Screening (updated)
– Kim Choma, Aimee Holland

As always, we invite you to submit manuscripts of your own in the multiple formats we offer. Click here to access our Guidelines for Authors. We welcome query letters regarding the topic and article format you are considering. You can reach Gretchen L. Schwenker, journal managing editor, at or me at 

Beth Kelsey, EdD, APRN, WHNP-BC, FAANP


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