Dear Colleagues,

It is my pleasure in this first issue of 2023 to wish everyone the best for the coming year. I also want to recognize the entire Women’s Healthcare team for their exceptional work that helped us to deliver six excellent issues in 2022. This team includes editors, authors, peer reviewers, editorial advisory board members, journal publisher and publishing staff, and NPWH CEO Heather Maurer.
The journal engaged 86 authors and published 25 full feature articles and 17 short format articles in 2022. Each issue included a continuing education (CE) article worth 1.0 contact hours. A total of 764 individuals completed CE with these articles. Thank you to all of our 2022 article authors.
A special thank you is extended to all those who peer reviewed manuscripts for us in 2022:
Christy Blanco
Kim Choma
Erin De Bruyen
Ketura’h Edwards
Rebecca Fay
Mary Franklin
Danielle Grimm
Lauren Hansen
Genevieve Hofmann
Casey Hopkins
Linda Johnson
Jane Kass-Wolff
Jennifer Korkosz
Stephanie Lee
Amy Levi
Randee Masciola
Leigh Minchew
Anne Moore
Antay Parker
Barbara Persons
Suzanne Reiter
Ludrena Rodriguez
Sherri Sellars
Erica Springer
Beth Steinfeld
Natya Stroud
Bethany Tidwell
Kathy Trotter
Jordan Vaughan
Donna Williams
Their role is essential in our publishing process. Our reviewers provide expertise and thoughtful feedback to ensure the articles we publish are the very best.
Our editorial advisory board (EAB) members serve the journal in a number of capacities. They provide guidance on potential topics for the journal by reviewing feedback from readers on what they want, assessing what has been published and what is in the pipeline, and keeping abreast of contemporary issues in the women’s and gender-related health arena. Our EAB members also peer review manuscripts, submit manuscripts of their own, and encourage colleagues to submit manuscripts on relevant topics. I want to recognize and thank Angela Alston, Barb Dehn, Brooke Faught, Sue Kendig, and Shawana Moore for their important contributions as they rotate off the EAB. At the same time, I am pleased to welcome Eva Fried, Vanessa Garcia, Gay L. Goss, Nalo Hamilton, Heather Hanegan, Stephanie Jacobs, and Erin Kiser as new EAB members. To learn more about them, go to
The HealthCom Media publishing team is outstanding. They bring diverse talents, innovative insights, and commitment to publishing a journal and creating a social media presence that makes all of us proud of what we do.
Beyond the journal, I want to thank the individuals who participated in writing groups for NPWH position statements in 2022. The writing group members bring expertise and dedication to a process that takes time and a willingness to interact in a meaningful way with each other and with NPWH members to create position statements that reflect the NPWH mission and values. In 2022, the NPWH board of directors approved three new position statements and three updated position statements:
WHNPs as Partners in Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis – Aundria Cannon, Jennifer Hawn, Sue Kendig, Komkwuan Paruchabutr, Amanda Sauer, Lisa Hammond
Access to Safe Abortion Care – Caroline Hewitt, Mary Hickey, Amy Levi, Shawana Moore, Lisa Stern, Jacki Witt
Trauma-Informed Care – Lauren Hansen, Ginny Moore, Komkwuan Paruchabutr, Heather Quaile
Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk Assessment (updated) – Sarah Szczepanik, Andrea Stevens, Kathy Trotter, Stefani Yudasz
Healthcare for Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals (updated) – Hanne Harbison (lead writer), Casey Benchimol, Krsiten Gianelis, Michelle Schramm, Heather Quaile
Male Sexual and Reproductive Health: The Role of WHNPs (updated) – Randee Masciola (lead writer), Melanie Deal, Christina McMillan, Laurie Ray
In our six issues for 2023, we promise to continue to provide you with a broad selection of interesting and relevant articles. Watch for and complete our readership survey coming soon. Your voice is important to let us know what you would like to see in the journal.
Beth Kelsey, EdD, APRN, WHNP-BC, FAANP