I am proud to announce that the 20th Annual NPWH Premier Women’s Healthcare to date! We had more than 750 attendees, and the viewed our excellent poster presentations. I received comments about the conference that included the following: Inspiring! Great content! Excellent faculty! Fun to be with colleagues in this learning environment. I extend a special thanks to the 2017 Planning Committee, the NPWH Board of Directors, RSG Consulting, and our incredible NPWH staff for making this truly our best conference yet!
We are already busy planning for our 2018 Annual Conference in San Antonio, Texas, which will be held on October 10-13. So, mark your calendar and plan on joining us next year—for the best women’s healthcare conference in the country.
Our last meeting in 2017 was just completed. We offered a free CE seminar, Managing Women’s Health Issues Across a Lifespan, in Dallas, Texas, on November 18. The meeting covered these topics: bacterial vaginosis, hypoactive sexual desire disorder, contraception, and postmenopausal osteoporosis. We will be bringing more regional seminars to the following cities in early 2018: Atlanta, Georgia, on February 3; Chicago, Illinois, on March 10; and New York, New York, on April 14. Start planning now to attend a meeting close to you.
It has been another wonderful year at NPWH. We hope that we have done our job by keeping you up to date on activities, providing you with a variety of CE opportunities, and offering you our quarterly journal, which is filled with informative, interesting, and practical articles in every issue.
As we prepare for the holidays, let us keep in mind how thankful we are for all the wonderful people in this world who genuinely care about each other. I myself am grateful for all that you do to make women’s lives healthier, longer, and better, and for that, I thank every one of you.
– Gay Johnson
Chief Executive Officer, NPWH

Message from the CEO
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