The NPWH community recently received the sad news of the passing of Mary Rubin, PhD, RNC, WHNP-BC, FAANP, on February 28, 2022.
Dr. Rubin was a certified WHNP who exhibited extraordinary vision and passionate advocacy for WHNPs through her work pioneering the role of the nurse colposcopist in the 1970s. She committed over 50 years to practicing as a clinician, educator, and researcher.
Her contributions to women’s health were many. She will be particularly remembered by the NPWH women’s health community for being a pioneer and expert in colposcopy, training thousands of health care professionals, and sharing her vast knowledge about cervical pathology. She supported a colposcopy workshop at the NPWH Annual Premier Women’s Healthcare Conference for many years. She was a member of NPWH since 1997.